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Mobile Office

SICOBA for order in the home office and for mobile working

10.09.2021 | SICOBA

Working at home brings advantages – but can also be disadvantageous in many respects. SICOBA provides a remedy. We explain here why the innovative business backpack is indispensable in times of mobile office.

Fear of infection, lockdown – the Corona pandemic provided numerous reasons to move one’s workday indoors in recent months. To this day, many still cling to the option of mobile working, which at least means more flexibility. But there are also downsides.

Working and living in the same place can put a strain on the psyche

Apart from the possible physical discomfort (e.g. neck and back pain) that an unhealthy posture at the laptop can bring, working at home also poses the risk of mental problems.

So it’s hard to switch off in the evening and come to rest when the job is literally still in the room. This can become more and more of a burden and gnaw away at the motivation to tidy up and make things homely. Yet order is of crucial importance for our mind.

Studies show: Clutter can make you sick

Numerous studies have already been conducted on the possible health effects of clutter. Among other things, they have shown that people in a chaotic living environment are more dissatisfied. For example, researchers at the University of California and the University of Southern California found increased cortisol levels in the blood of the affected subjects in a joint study – a parameter that indicates stress.

Even eating behavior can apparently suffer from clutter. That’s what a group of U.S. and Australian researchers found in a study. Divided into two groups, the subjects were presented with a large selection of unhealthy snacks one after the other – group one in a messy environment and group two in a tidy one. The evaluation showed that group one had grabbed much more often (and consumed about three times the calories) than group two. And clearly, in the long run, such uncontrolled eating behavior can lead to obesity and various associated health problems.

Important: Prevent home office collapse in the long term

Even if the Corona pandemic should no longer be an issue at some point – home office and mobile working will very likely remain a part of our working reality. This makes it all the more important to introduce processes that contribute to a healthy psyche. A backpack from SICOBA can help; both for more order at home and for more organized work elsewhere.

SICOBA – for more order in the home office

The SICOBA business backpack is fully geared to the needs of working professionals. Its well thought-out interior ensures maximum functionality – everything you need to work has its proper place. This makes it perfect for transporting your documents to the office or to another “mobile office” (e.g. a café) – especially since SICOBA backpacks ensure back-friendly, even weight distribution of the loads carried.

But also the use at home will improve your everyday work. SICOBA is an optimal organizer. Analogous to a roll container, but movable, you can keep the documents that are not needed at the moment neatly stored away. And what you do need, you have quickly at hand. If your SICOBA stands next to you during office hours, it is above all a valuable psychological signal. It tells you: “Now it‘s time to work.” Before and after that, things look different again.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist backpack-on-table-1024x683.jpg

An attractive style element – at home and on the go

And speaking of looks. Backpacks from SICOBA are not least a visual highlight. They convince with a sleek, puristic look that can be perfectly combined with different styles. And as we now know, styling is also an essential factor for health in the home office.

Researchers at the University of Southern China were able to prove that people who also work at home in a business outfit make healthier choices when it comes to nutrition. The researchers published their findings in the Journal of Business Research, and they see great potential in the fight against the health risk of obesity.

But even disciplined eaters would do well to dress “business chic”. For one thing, an appropriate wardrobe makes a much better impression in a video call with colleagues or business partners. And for another, it helps you yourself to mark the all-important distinction between the professional and private parts of the day.

Organization at the desk and in the cabinet

To be able to really relax after work, you should remove all office documents from your field of vision. Here, too, your SICOBA will serve you well. You can use it to store all your work materials in a space-saving and sensibly arranged cabinet.

Out of sight, out of mind, now the relaxing end of the day can come.

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